Availability & Bookings

* For the best booking experience, please use a large screen.
NB: We are fully booked out for 2021-2022


Flights leave from Perth to Cocos twice a week (Tuesdays and Fridays).

Like to check availability? Use the Book Now button to check availability and to make your booking.

When checking availability, select the month/year from the dropdown menu in the calendar. Note that the only dates in bold type are currently available.

To book the dates selected, click on the gold Book Now button that appears.

This button takes you to a page where your dates and details are confirmed, and payment is made.

Note: the property has a maximum occupancy of 8 guests.


Beachcombers Cottage is for use for checked in guests only. (maximum of 8). Visitors must leave by 9.30pm or as requested by the manager. Loud noise, music or anti-social behavior will not be tolerated.

Payment Policy (EFT payment is preferred)
An invoice will be issued upon receiving your booking request and your nominated dates reserved. Full payment must be made within 7 days of the invoice being issued to guarantee the booking. For bookings received beyond 12 months of travel, payment can be withheld until it falls within the 12-month time frame.
Booking dates will be secure during this time. Our preferred payment is via EFT.

Cancellation Policy
If a booking is cancelled prior to 90 days of arrival we reserve the right to charge a $200 administration fee. Cancellation of a booking within 90 days of arrival will result in 100% loss of payment, unless a booking of equal duration is obtained for the cancelled dates. Other booking alterations are subject to a $200 administration fee.

Travel insurance is highly recommended to cover any unforeseen circumstances. We also highly recommend booking air tickets at the time of booking, or as soon as possible as at peak times flights can be fully booked. If left too late flights for your chosen dates may not be available.